Moving on Up

What motivated me to get my GED diploma was when my son came home from school and wanted me to help him with his homework. I felt like I could not even help him with his 3rd grade work. My boyfriend is my biggest motivator. He owns his own business in trucking and he wants me to succeed like him, so I’m looking forward to taking my GED math test. I only need to retake math, and I’m one step away from attending nursing school.

My mom never received her diploma, so she wants me to do better than her. She gives me inspiration to go out and get what I need. My boyfriend went to the book store and bought me a GED math prep book. He helps me study since he went to college. I’m lucky to have a man that loves me and wants me to do better for myself.

I kept pushing my GED test to the side. I didn’t take it seriously, working dead end jobs. I felt like I was never moving up. I was stuck. I had to change. I knew I would never become what I am capable of becoming in life, so I took the GED math test and almost passed. At least I feel like I’m moving toward my goal.

I hope to pass the GED math test, receive my diploma, sign up for a nursing school, and pass all my classes. Then, hopefully I can get a job as an RN. I know I will accomplish my dreams.


Moving on Up from Indiana, GED Student


Careers | Family | Math Anxiety