Accelerate Measurable Skill Gains on TABE 11/12 + CASAS GOALS

Our ABE Essentials + Virtual Tutor workbooks combine two key instructional strategies needed for success: print and digital learning. This 21-workbook series contains over 250 lessons that connect seamlessly to powerful mobile lessons, quizzes, and practice tests using QR code technology. A built-in Learning Management System (LMS) gives teachers the diagnostic data needed to determine readiness and pinpoint instruction for each student.
- Covers TABE 11/12 Math, Reading, and Language Levels E, M, D, and A
- Covers CASAS Math GOALS Levels A/B and C/D
- Covers CASAS Reading GOALS Levels B, C, and D

Each lesson in our ABE Essentials + Virtual Tutor workbook series uses a simple 3-step approach to help students learn faster and more effectively.
- Connect: Each lesson starts by connecting a specific concept to a real-life situation so students understand why they're learning what they're learning.
- Explain: Once the concept has been presented in an easy-to-understand manner, it is then explained in detail.
- Practice: Each lesson ends with a set of practice questions to be sure the student fully understands what they just learned.

Through the use of QR codes, students are seamlessly connected to a Virtual Tutor using their smartphone or tablet. The Virtual Tutor provides access to online lessons and practice tests. Each lesson is interactive, fun, and provides instant feedback, always being sure to explain the correct answer. This combination of print + mobile learning creates a powerful tool to help accelerate student gains on their TABE 11/12 tests or CASAS GOALS assessments.

Never before has it been possible to get critical diagnostic data from print material. Using our built-in Learning Management System, teachers can run a report giving them much needed data to determine readiness and pinpoint instructional strategies for each student. In one easy-to-read report, teachers can see:
- student learning time
- which lessons have been opened
- number of quizzes passed
- practice test results

Increase WIOA funding with any of our five Measurable Skill Gains Accelerator handbooks. These targeted pacing guides were designed to accelerate student gains through Educational Functioning Levels. Each handbooks gives instructors an easy-to-follow map for designing targeted lesson plans to optimize gains in the Educational Functioning Levels and their alignment to TABE 11/12 and CASAS GOALS.
Order ABE Essentials + Virtual Tutor Workbooks Today!
Each ABE Essentials + Virtual Tutor title is sold in a 10-pack. That's only $6.50 per workbook!
To request a quote, please complete our online Quote Request form or call 800-931-8069.
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ABE Essentials
+ Virtual Tutor
per 10-pack of one title
Includes unlimited online Virtual Tutor accounts
Access to LMS for performance tracking
Access to online ABE quizzes and practice questions
Complete Scope and Sequence
Over 250 lessons
ABE Essentials
per 10-pack of one title
For Corrections Education
No Virtual Tutor
Over 250 lessons
Complete Scope and Sequence
No access to LMS for performance tracking
No access to online quizzes and practice questions
ABE Essentials Workbooks
Virtual Tutor: $64.50 | Offline, for Corrections: $59.00 (10-pack of any one title)
To order call 1-800-931-8069 or send email order request.
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10-pack of one title
TABE Level E, CASAS Level A, B
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Geometric Shapes
Areas of Triangles and Quadrilaterals
Writing Fractions
Equivalent Fractions
Extra Practice
10-pack of one title
TABE Level E, CASAS Level A/B
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Place Value
Writing Whole Numbers
Comparing Whole Numbers
Rounding Whole Numbers
Number Lines
Adding Whole Numbers
Subtracting Whole Numbers
Multiplying Whole Numbers I
Multiplying Whole Numbers II
Dividing Whole Numbers
Solving Problems with Whole Numbers
Number and Shape Patterns
Number Properties
10-pack of one title
TABE Level M, CASAS Level A/B
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple
Prime Factorization
Comparison Equations
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Ratios and Rates
Operations with Mixed Numbers
Introduction to Decimals
Comparing Decimals
Adding and Subtracting Decimals
Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
American Units of Measurement
Metric Units of Measurement
10-pack of one title
TABE Level M, CASAS Level A/B
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Measuring Angles
Segments, Rays, Lines, and Angles
Finding Unknown Angle Measures
Tables, Circle Graphs, and Line Plots
Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, and Scatter Plots
Measures of Center
Analyzing the Relationship Between Variables
Extra Practice
10-pack of one title
TABE Level D, CASAS Level C/D
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Simplifying Exponents
Order of Operations
Scientific Notation
Square Roots
Adding and Subtracting Integers
Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Ordering Rational Numbers
Solving Linear Equations I
Introduction to Inequalities
Lines and the Coordinate Plane
The Slope-Intercept Equation of a Line
Function Basics
Properties of Functions
10-pack of one title
TABE Level D, CASAS Level C/D
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Working with Percents
Solving Percent Problems
Application Involving Percents
Basic Probability
Compound Probability
Angle Pairs
The Pythagorean Theorem
Similarity, Congruence, and Proportions
10-pack of one title
TABE Level A, CASAS Level C/D
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Solving Linear Equations II
Solving and Graphing Inequalities
Systems of Equations I
Systems of Equations II
Higher Roots and Fractional Exponents
Multiplying Monomials and Binomials
Solving Quadratic Equations Using Square Roots
Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
Using the Quadratic Formula
10-pack of one title
TABE Level A, CASAS Level C/D
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Working with Units
Volume of Prisms and Cylinders
Volume of Pyramids and Cones
Rearranging Formulas
Function Notation
Graphs and Average Rate of Change
Graphs of Functions
Histograms and Box Plots
Shapes of Distributions
Two-Way Tables
Scatter Plots and Linear Models
To solve problems with measurement, geometry, and fractions.
TABE Level E, CASAS Level A, B |
To understand, compare, and solve problems with whole numbers and the four operations.
TABE Level E, CASAS Level A/B |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
To fluently solve problems involving fractions, decimals, rates, ratios, and units of measure.
TABE Level M, CASAS Level A/B |
To understand and use angles and data.
TABE Level M, CASAS Level A/B |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
To understand and use expressions, equations, inequalities, and functions to solve problems and model real-world problems.
TABE Level D, CASAS Level C/D |
To solve problems involving percents, probability, angles, shapes, and proportions.
TABE Level D, CASAS Level C/D |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
To solve algebra problems involving linear equations, inequalities, systems of equations, and quadratic expressions and equations.
TABE Level A, CASAS Level C/D |
To solve problems involving volume, density, data, and functions.
TABE Level A, CASAS Level C/D |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
See details
See details
10-pack of one title
TABE Level M, CASAS Level C
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Word Attack Skills
Main Ideas and Details
Summarizing and Paraphrasing
Quoting from a Text
Applying Information
Structure and Meaning
Checking Reasoning and Support
Analyzing Events and Ideas
Comparing and Contrasting Accounts
Seeing the Role of Graphics in a Text
Figurative Language
Themes and Details
Character Traits, Feelings, and Motivations
Comparing Literary Works
10-pack of one title
TABE Level E, CASAS Level B
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Points of View
Using Images and Words Together
Finding Information in a Text
Asking Questions
Introduction to Details
Sequence of Events and Ideas
Introduction to Main Ideas
Introduction to Paraphrasing and Summarizing
10-pack of one title
TABE Level E
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Consonant Sounds
Vowel Sounds
Words That Break the Rules
Reading Irregular Words
Reading Longer Words
Extra Practice
10-pack of one title
TABE Level D, CASAS Level D
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Procedures and Processes
Development of Central Ideas
Evaluating a Claim
Determining Word Meanings
The Impact of a Word
Transitional Words and Phrases
Analyzing Point of View
Conclusions and Generalizations
Synthesizing Data and Visual Information
Relationships in Texts
Analyzing Science and Technical Texts
Determining and Supporting a Theme
Analyzing the Structure of a Text
10-pack of one title
TABE Level A
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
The Development of a Central Idea
The Development of a Theme
The Development of Events
The Development of a Claim
The Structure of an Argument
Evaluating the Support of an Argument
Following a Procedure
10-pack of one title
TABE Level A
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Making Inferences
Inferences about Main Ideas
Evidence for Inferences
Comparing Similar Topics and Genres
Comparing Different Genres and Formats
Author's Purpose and Point of View
Rhetorical Techniques in Arguments
Comparing Authors' Positions
Analyzing Primary and Secondary Sources
To comprehend and analyze literary and informational texts.
TABE Level M, CASAS Level C |
To read and understand paragraphs and short texts.
TABE Level E, CASAS Level B |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
To recognize spelling-sound correspondences and use them, along with other techniques, to read words.
TABE Level E |
To comprehend and analyze texts.
TABE Level D, CASAS Level D |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
To analyze the development of ideas, themes, processes, events, and claims in a variety of texts.
TABE Level A |
To analyze texts, compare texts, and understand author’s purpose and point of view.
TABE Level A |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
See details
See details
10-pack of one title
TABE Level M, CASAS Level C
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Linking Opinions, Reasons, and Information
Choosing Precise Language
Context in a Text
Word Structure: Prefixes
Word Structure: Roots
Word Structure: Suffixes
Building Vocabulary
Paragraph Organization
Organizing Written Works
10-pack of one title
TABE Level M
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Choosing Verb Tenses
Verbs in Special Cases
Fragments and Run-Ons
Joining Sentences
Words That Sound Alike
Words That Sound Similar
Often Misspelled Words
Capitalizing Proper Nouns and Names
Capitalizing First Words and Titles of Works
Commas with Beginning, Ending, and Inessential Phrases
Commas in Series and Joining Sentences
Unneeded Commas
10-pack of one title
TABE Level E, CASAS Level B
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Context, Prefixes, and Roots
Compound Words
Relationships in Space and Time
Glossary and Dictionary Basics
Opinions and Reasons
Topics and Development
Linking Words
10-pack of one title
TABE Level E
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Overview of Parts of Speech
Using Nouns
Pronoun Basics
Words That Join
Words That Compare
About Subjects and Verbs
Basic Sentence Structure and Punctuation
Verb Forms
Learning to Spell: Spelling Patterns
Learning to Spell: Spelling Strategies
10-pack of one title
TABE Level D
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Quotes and Titles
Colons and Semicolons
Dashes and Hyphens
The "i before e" Rule
Adding Endings
Complex Word Context
Advanced Affixes and Roots
Using Reference Materials
Avoiding Shifts in Person
Using Pronouns
Misplaced Modifiers
10-pack of one title
TABE Level D, CASAS Level D
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Building an Argument
Comparing Arguments
Evaluating Arguments
Fallacies in an Argument
The Elements of Persuasion
Style and Tone
Language and Purpose
Planning History and Science Writing
Drafting History and Science Writing
10-pack of one title
TABE Level A
Format | Type | Price (per 10-pack) |
Paperback | Virtual Tutor | $64.50 |
Paperback | Corrections | $59.00 |
Wordiness and Awkward Language
Using Phrases
Using Clauses
Advanced Colons and Semicolons
Introducing Claims and Counterclaims
Developing Claims and Counterclaims
Cohesion and Clarity
Writing an Argument's Conclusion
To build vocabulary and word use and to organize written works.
TABE Level M, CASAS Level C |
To form correct sentences using standard mechanics.
TABE Level M |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
To build vocabulary and compose organized texts.
TABE Level E, CASAS Level B |
To compose sentences and spell correctly.
TABE Level E |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
To spell, punctuate, and use language correctly.
TABE Level D |
To write argumentative and informational texts.
TABE Level D, CASAS Level D |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
To write complex sentences and argumentative texts using a variety of sentence structures.
TABE Level A |
Virtual Tutor, Paperback
Corrections, Paperback
$59.00 |
See details